Sonia Sotomayor本週最夯的人物是Sonia Sotomayor歐巴馬提名Sonia Sotomayor為最高法院人選Sonia Sotomayor是西裔又是婦女, 這各提名的用意是種族性別的意含多? 還是政治意識主題意識多?“關鍵字排名New justices can’t change the court.” Justice Rehnquist said.“Supreme court justices are umpires.” Justice Blackman said.(連法官自己多說法官是無法影響法庭, 法官不過是裁判, 來房屋買賣源TIME雜誌)目前8位法官中,一位女性,一位非裔其它都是白人男性, 就算, 以往的歷史看來, 加再多的非白人也不見的就能改變多少, 即使SONIA是單親家艇長大(父親早亡), 與丈夫離異, 她力爭上游, 結婚由他的的教育(普林斯噸大學,耶魯大學)可以看出是白人中產階級的意識, 很可能她比女性白人還白?比男人還強勢, 選她當人選, 意義何在? (CNN) -- Former law clerks to Judge Sonia Sotomayor 褐藻醣膠sent a letter of support to the Senate leadership Monday, offering their "enthusiastic and wholehearted support" for the U.S. Supreme Court nominee.The letter -- addressed to 房屋二胎Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada; Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky; Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont; and Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, 酒肉朋友the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee -- was signed by 45 of her 49 former law clerks.The White House said it was unable to find two of the clerks, and the 澎湖民宿two others had conflicts of interest that precluded their signing the letter."Our group includes federal prosecutors and other government lawyers; private law firm partners and 小額信貸in-house corporate counsel; and legal academics and public interest lawyers," the letter said. "Although our professional experiences are diverse, we are united in our strong 當鋪belief that Judge Sotomayor is a brilliant and first-rate judge who is an ideal selection for our nation's highest G2000court."

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